Phil Elam, widely known as Coco Bean, emerges triumphant against the odds with the imminent release of his highly anticipated debut single, “My Name Is Coco Bean” featuring Snoop Dogg, slated for December 1st. Coco Bean‘s musical journey has been a testament to resilience, perseverance, and the unwavering belief in his dreams, overcoming skepticism and discouragement.
Facing a barrage of discouraging remarks like “You will never make it” and “Just give up,” Coco Bean defied the odds, staying true to his artistic vision. He extends heartfelt gratitude to the legendary Snoop Dogg for his generous offering on the track and renowned producer ERIC KUPPER for contributing to the remix, adding a unique and elevated dimension to the song.
In a heartfelt message, Coco Bean acknowledges the challenges of the music industry, recognizing it as a mental grind that demands strength and perseverance. Despite the uncertainties, he emphasizes the intrinsic value of artistic expression, viewing it as essential to the human experience.
The debut single, “My Name Is Coco Bean,” represents not only a musical milestone for Coco Bean but also a collective effort of key industry figures. Coco Bean expresses sincere thanks to Snoop Dogg, ERIC KUPPER, ADRAIN BOECKELER, MICHAEL FILLY and BRAD LeBEAU, recognizing their time, talent, and generosity as integral to the creation of this track.
Looking ahead, Coco Bean shares his aspirations of a lasting and impactful career, promising to navigate the highs and lows with grace and humility. Inspired by the unexpected generosity of those who supported his journey, he pledges to pay it forward, fostering a spirit of collaboration and resilience within the industry.
In addition to his musical endeavors, Phil Elam (aka Coco Bean) recently filmed a role in Tracie Laymon’s upcoming film, “BOB TREVINO LIKES IT,” starring John Leguizamo and Barbie Ferreira.
“My Name Is Coco Bean” (Featuring Snoop Dogg) will be available on all platforms starting December 1st, marking Coco Bean‘s debut on DistroKid.
Keep Up with Coco Bean