In the lively world of electronic music, Mazjojo’s story stands out. Known offstage as Arief Prasojo, this music producer and artist from Indonesia has revived his love for dance music, making waves in the electronic scene.
Starting with the breakout success of his debut single “H.Y.P.E,” Mazjojo has quickly become a name to watch on the international stage. His follow-up, “Retrograde,” continued to captivate listeners worldwide, setting the stage for his much-anticipated album, “H.Y.P.E,” due for release in late September 2024.
This is a name to watch for because it’s already making waves in the industry! Learn more about Mazjojo in the lines that follow.
Early Days and a Creative Shift
Mazjojo’s journey started in 2006 with him making music and playing small shows around Indonesia. Although he faced tough times in the music world, he found a new path as a digital illustration artist. But he couldn’t stay away from music for long. With dance music gaining more fans in Indonesia and more EDM events popping up, Mazjojo was pulled back to his roots in music.
Overcoming Industry Challenges
Getting noticed by big music labels in Indonesia was tough, especially since Mazjojo’s music was different from what was typically popular. But going digital changed everything. He joined a digital music label and used platforms like Spotify and Apple Music to share his music far and wide. This helped him reach fans all around the world, breaking through the old barriers that held him back.
Hits that Resonate Worldwide
Mazjojo’s first big track, “H.Y.P.E,” quickly got 20,000 listeners on Spotify, and his next song, “Retrograde,” did even better. These tracks show that his music has a global appeal, and they’ve put him on the map as a fresh voice in the dance music scene.
Looking Ahead: Dreams and Goals
Mazjojo has big plans. He wants to make a name for himself internationally and play at major music festivals. He’s also working on a new album called “H.Y.P.E,” due out in late September 2024. It’s packed with new sounds that push the boundaries of dance music. Besides making his own music, he dreams of starting a music label to help other new artists get their start.
From a Hobby to a Career
Mazjojo remembers making music in his bedroom back in 2006. Turning a hobby into a career wasn’t easy, but the positive feedback he got early on inspired him to keep going. His recent decision to return to music was driven by the renewed interest in electronic music in Indonesia. The success of his recent tracks has reminded him why he loves music so much.
Follow Mazjojo’s Journey
Keep up with Mazjojo’s music and his latest projects by following him online:
Mazjojo’s story is about reigniting a passion and sharing it with the world, making every beat a step towards building a lasting mark in the world of dance music.