Adeleke Adeyosola, better known as Dbig Drama, is an emerging rapper and songwriter from Lagos, Nigeria. He started making music professionally in 2020, releasing his first single, ‘On My Way’. Now, he’s ready to reach more listeners with a fresh sound that blends rap with Afrobeat influences.
Dbig Drama’s love for music began when he was young. His late father gave him a drum, sparking his passion for creating music. This gift became a turning point in his life and remains a key influence in his sound today. For him, music is a way to share his story and connect with others.
Starting his music career wasn’t easy. In the beginning, he didn’t have much support. But after his father passed away, his mom stepped in and encouraged him to keep going. This support helped him stay focused and determined.
Dbig Drama is on a mission to grow his music and connect with more fans. He’s committed to perfecting his sound and making his mark in the industry. Each release brings him one step closer to his dream. Stay updated by following him on Instagram, checking out his latest tweets on X (Twitter), catching his videos on TikTok, and subscribing to his channel on YouTube. Dbig Drama is bringing a fresh sound—stay tuned for what’s next!